CJC-1295 DAC упаковка
CJC-1295 DAC фото
пептид сжс 1295 фото
пептид CJC 1295 DAC фото

CJC 1295 DAC

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The CJC 1295 dac peptide has gained a major advantage over its counterpart in that it has a long half-life, up to two weeks. The peptide binds to plasma proteins, making its action longer. It consists of thirty amino acids, plus lysine and a DAC (Drug Affinity Complex) molecule. In fact, the effectiveness of the peptide depends on the DAC molecule. If this molecule is missing from the structure of the peptide, the half-life is shortened to half an hour.


Due to its long half-life, the substance does not need to be injected several times a day. Two injections per week, with a total dosage of 1000-2000 mcg will be sufficient.

There are different courses of cjc 1295 dac, which can be combined with other peptides, as well as a solo version. The duration of the first variant, as well as the second one, averages 6-12 weeks. The combined course is done most often with GHRP-6 or 2 peptide. The use of these two peptides at the same time allows for a doubling of the effect.


As the peptide has a direct effect on the pituitary gland, namely by improving its own growth hormone synthesis, it has the same effects as somatotropin. The main effects of the substance are:

  • fat burning;
  • gaining muscle mass;
  • strengthening of joints and bones;
  • increase endurance;
  • faster recovery from injuries;
  • rejuvenating effect, etc.

The product has no negative effects on the body, which is why it has received a lot of positive feedback. Athletes of various sports actively use the peptide, combining it with training and sports nutrition, which enables better results.

How to get cjc 1295 dac?

In our specialist shop you will find a wide range of sports pharmaceuticals, including cjc 1295 dac peptide. We are an official representative of hubiopharm, which means that we can offer you the best prices for our products. Also, we guarantee the originality and quality of the products, which is confirmed by appropriate quality certificates.

You can order cjc 1295 dac in just one click, and our experienced consultants will contact you for delivery details. We only carry proven products at the best price.


The peptide has been known to professional athletes for a long time, and reviews of cjc 1295 are plentiful. If you have bought cjc 1295 from our website, please take some time to comment on its effects.


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