For bodybuilders

Growth hormone in bodybuilding

Growth hormone is a substance produced in the human body, specifically in the pituitary gland. It got its name because of the effect that this hormone has on all systems of the body: it supports the normal functioning of tissues, is responsible for the growth and regeneration of cells, including muscle and bone tissue.

The activity of GH in the blood lasts for about a few minutes. After that, it is processed by the liver into growth factors, the most important of which is IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), due to which growth hormone is actively used in bodybuilding.

Athletes who use growth hormone in bodybuilding note the growth of muscle tissue, quick recovery of the body after hard workouts and, of course, excellent results in drying the body, due to the fat burning properties of GH.

How to take growth hormone

Bodybuilders who use GH during their workouts use a variety of regimens when drying the body or gaining muscle mass. To the question "how to use growth hormone?" you can advise one of the most popular schemes that allow not only to increase muscles, but also to give the body a more aesthetic appearance.

So, here's a basic diagram explaining how to take growth hormone:

1-4 weeks. 1 injection of somatotropin is given per day at a dosage of 2 IU;

5 week. 1 injection of somatotropin is given per day at a dose of 2.5 IU;

6 week. 2 injections are given per day, 1.5 IU each;

7 week. 2 injections are given per day, 1.75 IU each.

Further, a similar increase in dosage is made until the optimal 5-10 IU per day is reached.

How to store growth hormone

When using growth hormone, it is very important to know how to store growth hormone, since the subsequent effectiveness of using the drug depends on the correct organization of this process.

Ampoules with undiluted growth hormone can be stored for up to one year, subject to temperature conditions in the range from +2 to +8 degrees Celsius.

If storage is carried out at temperatures from +8 to +37 degrees Celsius, then the period should not exceed 2 months.

If the drug has been diluted, then it should be placed in a refrigerator with a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees and used within 5 days.

It is forbidden to freeze the drug, as this leads to the loss of its properties.

Growth hormone test

Growth hormone testing is optional for general examination of adults and children. Its appointment is made only in the presence of a clinical picture indicating a deviation from the norm of somatotropin production.

Before analyzing growth hormone, they conduct specific studies of the level of other pituitary hormones: TSH, FSH and LH.



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