Tanning Peptides

Peptides have become quite firmly established in the lives of many bodybuilders. However, their use is finding new niches. Melanotan peptide became an excellent aid in the process of obtaining a beautiful and even tan without spending hours in the blazing sun.

The mechanism of action of peptides for tanning on the human body can be explained by the fact that with their help an increased production of their own melanin begins. As we know melanin is the body's protective pigment against the damaging effects of ultraviolet light on the skin.

Currently, tanning peptides are available as an injection solution, tablets or a special nasal spray. The use of each of them should be strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product.

melanotan spray

Melanotan 2 spray

50 $
упаковка меланотан 2 фото

Melanotan 2

30 $
меланотан 1 фото упаковки

Melanotan 1

30 $